A very cost effective and direct communication medium is now banned for next 3 days; according to popular news channels' latest tweets: @starnewslive and @ndtv. Stopping these services means, you won't get your morning news alert, your bank transaction sms, latest offer information in nearby mall and even a internal informative sms from your company (if they are using it).
On the other side, everyone knows how important is verdict about 'Ayodhya'. It's one of biggest national issue. This judgment is super sensitive in many ways, be it communal, political, cultural or historical. Surely, government is taking all steps to handle unexpected havoc after the judgment. However, I personally feel that this is more than what we can expect in a demographic country like India.
How can government cut off people from this very important communication medium? Why should all those suffer just because of Ayodhya verdict? Why should a marketer stop communicating with their audience for no reason at all? Will they ban Blogs, emailers and outbound calls, too? Are tv channels, radio stations and print next in line??
It is totally justified. There wont be crisis as some you wont get offers or transactions to you through SMS, they can be delivered through emails though.. And most important part is rumors will be stopped. I suggest there should be regulatory advice even for TV channels, making them to show the situations less intense without hyping it.
i think they took right decision ... for a week ban is ok .. when u do risk analysis when compared to profits of marketing
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Excellent topic to discuss. Govt. takes such decisions in good faith of the country but businesses are affected in one or the other way, by such decisions.
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